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One of the most rewarding aspects of ALF Therapy is the provider's ability to completely customize the appliance designs based on the needs of the patient and modify as treatment progresses.
One of the most challenging aspects of ALF Therapy is the provider's need to able to keep up with the infinitely customizable options and evolutions of the designs of the ALF family of appliances
In order to meet the growing needs of our ALF Therapy community, we are hosting a study club meeting designed both for the dental laboratory technician and dental provider who are interested in learning how to make, modify and repair some of the most basic ALF appliance designs.
Please contact us for registration information at or by calling from 8am-2pm CST Monday-Thursday.
Members of The Synergy Academy will be eligible for continued education credit through successful completion of a competancy examination offered following the live webinar.
This study club meeting will focus on appliance design and fabrication with the goal of creting a common language between the lab technician and the clinical provider team as they support the delivery of authentic and effective ALF Therapy.
We have been getting feedback from both the labs and providers that one of the biggest challenges within our ALF community is the misunderstandings surrounding the use of cuspid crescents in designs for development as well as the shape and position of the posterior loops in both pediatric and adult designs.
During this meeting, we will strive to clarify the confusion with the goal of putting unity in our community regarding these critical design considerations.
The NLA device is an amazing tool as a stand along or plug-in therapy to accompany the more traditional designs associated with wire-based ALF Therapy. Selection and design based on patient phenotype will be discussed to assist both the provider and the lab technician on proper design and fabrication.
Providers can relate to the challenges related to the transfer of information from the patient's mouths to the desk of the lab technician. We will go over the pros and cons of impressions vs scans as well as the forms of documentation that can assist in improved communication.
The Synergy Academy LAB ALF Course: Learning About the Basics of the Advanced Lightwire Functional Family of Appliances
Course objectives:
Overview of the basic designs of the different components of the ALF family of appliances including: Pedo Double Cribbed ALF, Wavey wire designs, Pedo Class 3 designs, ALF for development, ALF for Trauma release, Stealth ALF, ALF NLA and Nordic Positioner.
Hands-on instruction will be provided on the most frequently occurring alf designs, repairs and mid-treatment modifications requested from ALF Therapy providers.
Fabrication of the "wireless" appliances of the ALF Therapy family (NeoNatal ALF, ALF NLA and Nordic Positioner)
Date and Time:TBA
Introduction to concepts and designs
Wire characteristics and designs
Auxiliary designs
Maxillary designs
Mandibular designs
Class 3 “tandem” wires (Pedo class 3 options, t wire, etc.)
Wire size related to age and indications
Tooth specific options regarding design and adjustment
Hands on wire bending, ALF appliance modifications and repairs
Appliance breakage and repair
Anterior bite planes and lip bumpers
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