Dr. Angie Tenholder is a general dentist with over three decades of experience, mother of three, wife of an Air Force Veteran and educator for The Synergy Academy and creator of the BabyLase technique.
Her accomplishments include Board Certification in the American Board of Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine (ABCDSM) where she currently serves as President on the Board of Directors. In addition, she has achieved Fellowship status in the Academy of Craniofacial Pain (AACP) and the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD). She currently serves on the AACP Educational Committee and on the Board of Directors. She is a passionate advocate for bringing awareness to the importance of the development of neural circuits of the trigeminal region in the context of idealized oral neuromyofunction, especially in the first 1000 days of life. By using both neurologically supportive dental devices and highly sophisticated laser therapies of OraLase, RestOralase and BabyLase, leverage can be gained over aspects of human health and function that go beyond the airway and above the level of care offered through more traditional approaches to addressing the challenges associated with treating craniofacial pain, dentofacial development and sleep disordered breathing.
She has been providing ALF Therapy daily in her clinical practice for over a decade, OraLase for over 5 years and is the developer of BabyLase. Helping patients and providers benefit from procedures that improve quality of life is her passion.
The Synergy Academy maintains AGD PACE approval status for OraLase, BabyLase, RestOralase and ALF Therapy courses and has been a proud host for over 50 courses over the years of supporting our professional community.
1994 Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry (DMD) Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine,
Edwardsville, IL
1994 Angela Martens DMD
1996 Angela Martens DMD, PC - Smileology Dental, PC
2011 Synergy Therapeutics, PC/Synergy Dental Solutions
2024 - Presenter International Functional Association Conference
Host and Presenter ALF InterFACE Conference
2023 - Speaker American Academy of Craniofacial Pain Annual Symposium
Presenter ASAP Pathway
2022- Speaker- Laser and Health Academy
Speaker - Integrative Airway Summit - Malaysia
Speaker ALF InterFACE Conference
Presenter - American Academy of Craniofacial Pain Webinar Series
2022- President - American Board of Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine
2021 - Educational Committee Chairperson - American Academy of Craniofacial Pain
2021- Speaker - ASAP Pathway - ALF Therapy
2021- Speaker - Academy of Craniofacial Pain Monthly Webinar series - ALF Therapy
2020 - Fellowship Status - Academy of General Dentistry (July)
2019 - Speaker American Academy of Sleep Technologists Conference - St Louis, MO
2018-22 Board Member, American Board of Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine
2018-19 ALF InterFACE Academy, Inc – President, Course Instructor and Advisory Board Chairperson
2017-19 Member – Osteopathic Cranial Academy
2017 & 2018 Featured Speaker, Functional Oral Health and Airway Summit
2017 Awarded Academy of General Dentistry Program for Continued Education Provider Status as Faculty for the ALF InterFACE Academy/The Synergy Academy
2015 Certified Team Dentist, Academy for Sports Dentistry
2014 Diplomate/Board Certification Status Awarded, American Board of Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine
2013 Fellowship Status Awarded, American Academy of Craniofacial Pain
American Academy of Carniofacial Pain Anual Symposium and Workshops
American Dental Association Pediatric Airway Symposium
American Heart Association Basic Life Support
DEA Compliant Opioid Course Medication Access and Training Expansion (MATE) Act
ALF Evolution Courses
OraLase/BabyLase Courses
ALF: HOME Hands-on courses
OraLase/BabyLase Hands on Courses
NIghtlase/Smoothlase Course
Developer of the OnLine and OnDemand courses available through The Synergy Academy, Inc
ALF: HOME Hands-on courses
OraLase/BabyLase Hands on Courses
Feeatured Speaker on the ASAP Pathway and Academy of Craniofacial Pain Webinar Series
ALF Guide Course - Columbia, IL (Instructor)
OraLase/BabyLase Intro Course - Fallbrook, CA (Instructor)
BabyLase CARE course - Columbia, IL (Instructor)
Multiple online courses for OraLase, BabyLase and ALF Foundations (Instructor)
- ALF Foundations Course - Columbia, IL (Instructor)
- ALF Genesis Course - Columbia, IL (Instructor)
- ALF Grow Course - Columbia, IL (Instructor)
-BabyLase Course- Columbia, IL (Instructor)
-Body Dental Connection Course- Dr. Charles Beck Indianapolis, IN
-American Academy of Craniofacial Pain Annual Symposium Toronto, Ontario Canada
-Academy of Clinical Technology (ACT) Lasers in Restorative Dentistry/Operative Dentistry PHAST Course Las Vegas, NV
-Why Behind The Wire - ALF InterFACE Academy (Instructor) Columbia, Il
-Beyond The Airway - ALF InterFACE Academy (Instructor) San Diego, CA
-TEAM ALF - ALF InterFACE Academy (Instructor) Columbia, Il
--Beyond The Airway Iintroductory course for TEAM ALF)- ALF InterFACE Academy (Instructor)
-OraLase Elective course for TEAM ALF - ALF InterFACE Academy (Instructor) Columbia, Il
-OraLase Elective Course for InterFACE conference - ALF InterFACE Academy (Instructor) Columbia, Il
-International ALF InterFACE Annual Conference (Presenter): FACEing the Future: The integration of Medicine and Dentistry Columbia, Il
-Basic Life Support Certification– St Louis, MO
- ALF InterFACE Academy Why Behind the Wire Columbia, Il
-ALF InterFACE Academy Beyond the Airway -(Instructor) Columbia, Il
-W G Sutherland Temporomandibulo Cranial Group - TM Disorders (Occlusion) Chicago, Il
-American Academy of Facial Esthetics Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry
-W G Sutherland Temporomandibulo Cranial Group – Osteopathic principles and applications in TM Disorders and Occlusion Chicago, Il
-HPTC Compliance Training Partners, Inc Infection Control Columbia, Il
-Conference Director, Presenter and Course Instructor – International ALF InterFACE Conference: Addressing the developmental and traumatic Neurological midline disorders in the pediatric population Columbia, Il
-Course Director– ALF InterFACE Intensive 2 Columbia, Il
-ALF InterFACE Intensive 1 Fallbrook, California
-Laser Dentistry 101 - An Introduction to Wavelengths and Laser-tissue Interaction
-Neonatal Dentistry 101: A Primer on Breastfeeding, Tongue Ties, Frenum Pulls and How to Treat the Newborn
-Expanding the Integrative Team Approach to Sleep Disturbances San Diego, CA
-Advanced Cardiac Life Support Recertification– St. Louis, MO
-ALF InterFACE Academy ALF Twin Block in the Pediatric Population Course Offering Columbia, Il
-ALF InterFACE Academy ALF Twin Block in the Adolescent and Adult Population Course Offering Columbia, Il
-WG Sutherland September – Ligamentous Articular Strain –Dr. Conrad Speece Naperville, Il
-WG Sutherland November Zunka Dental Cranial Osteopathic Principles Review Naperville, Il
-AACP Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
-American Academy of Myofunctional Sciences Symposium Chicago, Illinois
-Course director - InterFACE 2017 Conference: Discovering the Connection
Between Dental Bite Forces, The ALF Orthodontic Approach and Degenerative Neurological Conditions Columbia, IL
- Dental/Cranial Diagnosis and Treatment Cranial Academy Course, Warrenville, Il
-American Academy of Facial Esthetics Level 2 and 3 Botulinum Toxin, Dermal Filler, Kybella, Sculptra and TMD/Headache/Orofacial Pain Courses Las Vegas, NV
-Oral Ankyloglossia Training–Before, During and After Releases Columbia, IL
-Restoring Autonomic Breathing - The Foundation of Movement
Level Two Workshop, Columbia, IL
-Challenging Facial Esthetic and Orofacial Pain Patient Case
-Infant and Toddler Lingual & Laser Frenectomy, Detroit, MI
-Immediate Implant Placement and Provisionalization in the
Esthetic Zone, St. Louis, MO
-Restoring Autonomic Breathing - The Foundation of Movement
Level One Workshop, Columbia, IL
-Oral Anklyoglossia, Tethered Oral Tissue Before, During and After,
Columbia, IL
-Resin Based Composites Have Changed: Have You
-Right Angle Lip Enhancement Technique
-Introductory Course in Osteopathy in the Cranial Field,
Naperville, Illinois
-InterFACE Course, Teaneck, NJ -CB/CT
-Interpretation for TMD & OSA-La Mesa, CA
-ALF Mastership Level Course, Fallbrook, CA
-Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Certification, St. Louis, MO
-American Academy of Craniofacial Pain Annual Symposium, Orlando, FL
-Academy for Sports Dentistry Symposium, Chicago, IL
-Quantum Reflex Analysis, Chicago, IL
-American Academy of Physiological Medicine and Dentistry
Conference, New York, NY
-Shaping the Jawline – Nefrititi Lift
-Acupuncture Meridian Assessment Training for Detecting Parasites
and Dental Problems, St. Louis, MO
-Quantum Nutrition Concepts, Naples, FL
-Advanced ALF and Problem Solving Course, Fallbrook, CA
-American Academy of Craniofacial Pain Symposium, San Diego, CA
-Introductory ALF Course, Toronto, Ontario Canada
-Introduction to the ALF and Cranial Indicators, Toronto, Ontario
-Dental Whole-Body Connection Mini-Residency, Toronto,
Ontario Canada
-Motor Nerve Reflex Testing, Toronto, Ontario Canada
-Dermal Filler Treatment Hands-On Training for Healthcare
Professional, Louisville, KY
-Advanced Lightwire Functional Appliance Therapy in the
Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorder, Orthodontics and
Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Lincoln, NE
-Advanced Craniomandibular & Cervical Physiopathology, Marietta, OH
-Cone Beam Computerized Tomography Program, Dallas, TX
-Dr. Brendan Stack, in-office/hands-on training from one of the
premier leaders in the field on the TMD, dental, orthodontic and
functional appliance therapy of the treatment of neurological
conditions (Tourette, Cervical Dystonia, Parkinson's, Tardive
Dyskinesia, Gait Disorders), Vienna, VA
-Dentosensorimotor Rehabilitation, Las Vegas, NV
-Appliance Therapy Practitioners Group Symposium, Las Vegas, NV
-Advanced Craniomandibular & Cervical Physiopathology,
Parkersburg, WV
-Orthodontic Winter Retreat, Scottsdale, AZ
-Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration, Lincoln, NE
Appliance Therapy Practitioners Symposium, Las Vegas, NV
-Sleep and Sleep Disorders for the Rehabilitation Professional and
Evaluation and Treatment of Cervicothoracic Dysfunction,
St. Louis, MO
-Temporomandibular Disorder and Occlusion Residency Program,
Parkersburg, WV
-Advanced Orthodontics Alumni Conference, Chicago, IL
-Academy for Sports Dentistry Symposium, Chicago, IL
-Botox Dental, Treatment of Muscular Dysfunction through Neuromodulation Los Angeles, CA
-Advanced Level Two Orthodontics, Parkersburg, WV
-The Institute at Heartland Dental Care, Doctor Dental University
and Aesthetic Continuum, Effingham, IL