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The Synergy Academy is an organization with the goal of providing quality educational opportunities that are on the leading edge of available technologies, innovative concepts and the implementation of clinical techniques that optimize patient care with a focus on the craniofacial region of the body.
To register for courses through The Synergy Academy, please email or call 618.281.9739 Monday through Thursday 8-2pm CST. We look forward to seeing you!
The goal of the natural, organic, gentle and individualized approach to improvements in both form and function for patients of all ages is at the heart of ALF Therapy.
This course has been designed for the dental or orthodontic provider in their utilization of customized dental devices designed to create signaling to support the developmen
The goal of the natural, organic, gentle and individualized approach to improvements in both form and function for patients of all ages is at the heart of ALF Therapy.
This course has been designed for the dental or orthodontic provider in their utilization of customized dental devices designed to create signaling to support the development of functional neural circuits, an efficient swallowing pattern and craniofacial growth.
It will cover the utilization of the ALF Family of appliances in all three age groups: Genesis (0-5), Grow (6-11) and Guide (12 +)
Learn the fundamentals of ALF Therapy and take them back to your practice to apply immediately. Limited to 8 providers. Assistants who work in your office are welcome to attend to encourage efficient implementation into the clinical workflow.
The RestOralase approach combines the best of two laser wavelengths as well as dental devices and and manual therapies to support ongoing wellness. The RestOralase course instructs on the application of BabyLase, OraLase and the wireless devices in the ALF Therapy family of appliances
By simultaneously addressing the impactful neurologic
The RestOralase approach combines the best of two laser wavelengths as well as dental devices and and manual therapies to support ongoing wellness. The RestOralase course instructs on the application of BabyLase, OraLase and the wireless devices in the ALF Therapy family of appliances
By simultaneously addressing the impactful neurological and fascial restrictions that often create oral functional deficits, we strive to optimize treatment efficiency and improve treatment outcomes for tongue tie, airway and dental expansion-based therapies
Providers who are legally allowed to own and operate a class 4 laser in their state or province are welcome to participate in this course.
This course can also serve as a refresher/update course for those who have previously taken the OraLase/BabyLase course and want to take advantage of the additional content that is currently being instructed including the utilization of dental appliances and the dual wavelength technique known as OraLase+.
Course size is limited to 10 Providers.
This course was created to support the providers in the Functional Integrative Therapy (FIT) Teams working collaboratively with ALF, OraLase, BabyLase and RestOralase therapists.
These providers often include bodyworkers (chiropractors, physical therapists, osteopathic physicians, craniosacral therapists, occupational therapists), functi
This course was created to support the providers in the Functional Integrative Therapy (FIT) Teams working collaboratively with ALF, OraLase, BabyLase and RestOralase therapists.
These providers often include bodyworkers (chiropractors, physical therapists, osteopathic physicians, craniosacral therapists, occupational therapists), functional medicine providers and surgeons (MD/ENT) and orofacial myofunctional therapists (speech and language pathologists, dental hygienists)
Course objectives include an overview of ALF Therapy and RestOralase as well as instruction on clinical implementation of a series of sophisticated and simple neurohacks and techniques designed to compliment and streamline patient assessment and treatment sequencing.
By harnessing the power of neuroplasticity, providers can support the goals of neuromodulation and neurorehablitation in a simply sophisticated model of care.
Dental and Orthodontic Providers
If you are a dental or interested in providing ALF Therapy, we invite you to register for the ALF Evolution course.
If you are a dental or orthodontic provider interested in providing BabyLase, OraLase, OraLase+, RestOralase (laser therapies and dental appliance combination therapy), we encourage you to register for the RestOralase course.
Additional members of the integrative healthcare team (MD, DC, DO, PT, OMT, SLP, RDH, CST, etc)
Taking the FASTLANE to better treatment outcomes through neuromodulation.
If you are bodyworker, physician, oral function therapist, etc working as a part of a functional integrative team (FIT team) with an ALF Therapy or RestOralase provider and would like training that allows your skills to complement those of the dental or orthodontic provider, you are encouraged to enroll for the FASTLANE course. By participating in a course specifically designed to as the most efficient way to learn the concepts without the requirement to invest in the technology or to learn the techniques that the dental or orthodontic provider is offering with ALF Therapy and/or Laser Therapies.
Once you register for a course, your learning opportunities begin.
Participants will be granted access to the HOLA on demand learning modules that must be completed prior to attending the intense Day 1 of their Comprehensive Course of choice.
Day 1 of each Comprehensive Course (ALF Evolution, RestOralase, FASTLANE) will be an intense immersion into the techniques and technologies that are specific to each concept. Participants that do not complete their pre-course requirements will be at a significant disadvantage as this is an exceptionally fast-paced learning environment.
Days 2 and 3 of each course are referred to as the SHOTGUN module. Neuromodulation is the common language between the courses within the Sanity curriculum and the common assessments and techniques are instructed with the goal of creating unity in the treatment approaches utilized by our functional integrative treatment (FIT) teams.
We receive a great deal of feedback that our course participants value our commitment in providing continuing education credit for their commitment to attending our courses. All of our hands-on courses offer 22 hours of AGD PACE approved CE to apply toward provider credentialing and licensing.
ALF Therapy: Creating simultaneous improvements in oral form and function through the simple sophistication of nature-based dental appliances
•OraLase: The use of NdYAG 1064 nm wavelength to improve oral and neurological function for patients 2 and older
•BabyLase: Providing gentle, effective and conservative care to improve oral and neurological function for patients 0-2
•OraLase+: The use of dual wavelengths of NdYAG and ErYAG to non-surgically improve oral and neurological function
•RestOralase: Combining wavelengths, techniques and appliances for a comprehensive approach to wellness
•FasciaLase: Expanding OraLase to address fascial restrictions in the body (coming soon)
•Beyond the Airway: Addressing the neural circuits and metabolic requirements of sleep physiology
FASTLANE: Instruction for therapists who are working in a Functional Integrative Team with an ALF Therapy or Laser Therapy provider (RestOralase/BabyLase/OraLase) and are looking to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to complement patient care at the level of incorporating the integration of neural circuits, cranial mechanics and fascial restrictions into a comprehensive approach to care.
Activities for
Training with
Year-long access
The SANITY Curriculum has been designed to make the most of our valuable time by integrating a hybrid on-demand and hands-on opportunity to integrate treatment teams from different professions.
Assessments &
Laser and/or Light force
Neuromodulation &
Empowering the functional integrative team in complementing a comprehensive approach to patient care
Guiding and
The hands-on portion of each course that creates continuity and promotes neuroplasticity.
Carefully curated to create continuity between courses while delivering convenient and self-paced educational opportunities.
Integration of
Trigeminal and
The neurologic assessment of the trigeminal afferrents as they are influenced by the swallow and dental occlusion. This assessment allows the provider to assess the functionality of the trigeminal neural circuits to guide treatment decisions.
This assessment allows the provider to explore muscular and fascial pain patterning to assess for compensations and refine treatment decisions.
Oralase, BabyLase and RestOralase providers will use this information to determine both treatment sequencing and exposure times to address the hyaluronic acid restrictions that accompany or are the root cause of many tongue ties/tethers and infant feeding challenges.
A series of soft tissue releases and cranial balancing techniques developed to gently mobilize the structure and stabilize the neural circuits.
Assessment &
Assessment of the neurological, fascial and structural restrictions prior to a surgical intervention allows the CARE Release provider to optimize treatment outcomes though addressing restrictions invisible to the naked eye, yet critical to overall function.
Evolution Course Outline
1. Day 1 - Evolution Core Curriculum
2. Day 2 - Shotgun - Assessments and Manual Techniques
3. Day 3 - Shotgun - Dental Therapies
RestOraLase Course Outline
1. Day 1- RestOralase Core Curriculum
2. Day 2 - Shotgun - Assessments and Manual Techniques
3. Day 3 - Shotgun - Dental Therapies
FASTLANE Course Outline
1. Day 1- FASTLANE Core Corriculum
2. Day 2 - Shotgun - Assessments and Manual Techniques
3. Day 3 - Shotgun - Dental Therapies
Please be aware that our courses are limited in size and usually fill up very quickly. We understand that life is busy and schedules change. However, when a student reserves a spot in a course with so few spaces available, cancellations are very detrimental as we strive to serve the needs of our ALF family of providers.
Our cancellation policy has been developed to ensure that those who are dedicated to taking the courses are able to attend. We truly appreciate at least 90 days advance notice if a course registration needs to be cancelled. If cancellation occurs within 30 days and we are unable to fill the seat, full tuition will be charged. There will be a 50% tuition rate charge if a course is cancelled within 60 days. Due to the amount of administrative expenses involved in rearranging schedules for multiple providers, we reserve the right to charge a $500 administrative fee to move registration dates for a course.Courses must be moved with 60 days notice or course tuition is still charged unless we can fill your seat. If you are on a payment plan you may not move course dates and tuition is due in full regardless of attendance as your spot was held from someone else.
DigitalChalk Minimum System Recommendations
All courses sponsored through The Synergy Academy will provide AGD PACE approved credit for both lecture and live participation hours. CE credit is not given if you leave a course early. CE is not given for online courses. You must be present for the entire time of a hands on class or conference to get your CE. We do not individualize CE credit.
Synergy Academy formerly ALF InterFACE Academy
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit.
Approval does not imply acceptance by
any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
Provider ID# 378959
We have successfully filed and been granted the trademarks for the Logo for ALF, the word ALF, Babylase, Oralase, and Restoralase!
What does this mean for you? If you are a member of the Academy and have completed the course with the appropriate trademark, you are give the rights to use the word and logo for ALF, Oralase, Babylase, and Restoralase.
What can you do to help us? We need to get the word out there. We want patients to know that they have found and are using and authentic ALF , Oralase, Babylase, or Restoralase Provider. Educate your patients to look for these logos when searching for a Nordstrom trained provider.
As we move forward our Organization will be seeking to education the public on what a true trained Provider is. We will also be asking those that did not receive proper training to stop using the word ALF, Oralase, Babylase, or Restoralase until they have received authentic training.